Application of steel fiber in the construction industry
For the selection of steel fiber in the construction industry general low carbon steel cold cut steel fiber, with
no need to add anti rust agent, preservative and other advantages, and can improve the performance of
prefabricated 26 times, can replace or reduce the dosage of reinforcing steel barreinforced type, shorten
production time, improve the degree of mechanization construction, than ordinary construction method can
not achieve the effect, such as inhibition of roof crack, culvertWater Leakage etc.. Steel fiber used in highway
surface bridge, cement sleepers, explosion-proofwarehouse, nuclear test field, the rocket launching site precast concrete component of stress.Tunnel
kiln mesa, power plant boiler flue, and other serious sudden cold and heat, the use ofrefractory lining and
prefabricated parts mechanical function of impact crack easily grinding conditions.